Getting Puppy Ready

Now that we have decided to get a puppy. It is time to get what we need for our house. I will break this down in two different blogs. One being if you already have dogs and the other is if the puppy is your only fur baby. 
My husband and I at this time already had two dogs. We had an older boxer female (Sadie) and a very old dashound (Mr. Weenie). Which we still had to this day.  So we already had the basics. What we did need to get was some toys, her own bed, and blankets just for our new puppy to make her feel more at home. 

On the blankets we didn't want to get her anything to fancy because she is a puppy. So the likely hood of her messing it up was very high. We went to our local Walmart and bought a little throw blanket. Which at the time was only two dollars. It was a cute little blanket, it was red with dog bones all over it. Now to the toys, we wanted to get her some toys that she could chew her little heart out and not mess up. When puppies are teething it is very important to get toy bones that they can chew on but it messages their gums as well. We got these little flavored chew bones that had little nubbies on them. You can find them on chewys (i found out to be the cheapest), Walmart, or Atwoods. The little bones also comes in handy when they go through the "biting fase" because we all know them little puppy teeth are the sharpes things in the world. When puppies go to bitting your hands put a toy in their month to chew on. (I will go more in depth on this in a later blog). The last thing we wanted to make sure to get her was a dog bed. We got her this cute blue and tan dog bed at Walmart (at that time it was only five dollars).

We put her bed by our living room couch, we had her blanket in it, and her bones. We also got a few cute squeaky toys and put in there as well. One thing to remember with squeaky toys. If you buy the cute fuzzy ones make sure you watch your puppy like a hawk. It doesn't that them no time to tare that toy apart and it can be very dangerous if they eat the pieces of it. 

So now we have the bed, toys and a blanket, I thought we were good to go. Remember we already have dogs so we already had the basics. Well my husband told me we needed an outdoor play pen for her in the house. I though he was crazy, but we got one anyway. Let me tell you it was a life saver. Puppies are very adventurous, which makes taking a shower or cooking dinner hard when you have to stop every five seconds to make sure she isn't chewing, or getting in to some thing she isn't supposed to. This play pen is  equivalent to putting a baby in a play pen so you can get something done round the house. (I have some funny storys about our puppy in this play pen so it needs its own blog). 
Now that we have all of her own goodies the hard part begins. Waiting for her to be old enough to come home 


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