Benefits of kennel training

I would like to talk to you all about the benefits of kennel training. Now hear me out before you run off. I know some people are really against kenneling dogs, but they have been a huge help for me and my family. I would like to share with you how they have helped me. 
My husband and I both have full time jobs. So we do have to leave our dogs at home while we are at work. When we are not home we do put them in dog kennels ( we call them their beds). My dogs love going to their beds. It is like their safe place. Where is your safe place? Is it your house, the place you look forward to going to. Well that is our dog's beds. I think there is a couple of reasons our dogs like going to their beds. One they get a treat, it doesn't matter that they have learn what "lets go to bed" means, they will always get a treat. Two they have their own space way from the other dogs, that is just theirs. With their own blankets and pillows. Three they feel safe in their beds. 
Now that I have talked about why my dogs like going to their beds. I will tell you how it has been been a beneficial to us as dog parents. When we are at work we don't have to worry if they are getting in to something their not suppose to. We know that they are sleeping. We know that if they are in their beds while we are home that they want to be left alone. Lastly if you have to give your dogs medicine at night it is really easy to put the pills in a pill pocket or any soft treat and make that their night time treat. 
My husband and I have three dogs Sadie a boxer, MeatBall an English Bulldog, and Mr. Weenie a dashound. Well Sadie, I call her our old lady, is getting up there in age so she has set the bed time for 9:30pm. She is also the boss of the other two. Well if it gets past 10pm she will start huffing and puffing at us until we put them to bed. 

Thank you for reading please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or any funny stories of your own. 

I hope you all have a wonderful day and kiss your fur babies for me. 


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