Everyone makes mistakes

The topic I would like to talk to you about today is when your puppy has an accident. This is one thing that drives me crazy with new puppy owners. Puppy will not be able to hold in their poop or pee when they are puppies. This is something they have to learn how to do.
Puppies are very little and they have small badders. Which makes it impossible for them to physically hold their pee for long periods of time. They also haven't developed the muscle strength to hold in their poop for long periods of time. So don't get mad at them they physically can not help it. 
Don't get me wrong I know it can get frustrating. After you have worked all day and the first thing you have to when you get home is wash out a kennel and give a puppy a bath everyday but it does get better i promise! I have seen people at this stage give up and get rid of their puppies for going to the bathroom while they were at work. (Which is very frustrating to me, it just makes my blood boil) Just keep in mind you can not blame the puppy. 
I had a friend who went through three different puppies in the matter of six months because she couldn't handle cleaning up after her puppy everyday. Which is just not far to the puppy! They will get past this stage and learn to hold it. You just have to be patient! 
Please reach out to me if you have any questions, or if you have any tips of your own. 
I hope you have a wonderful day and kiss your fur babies for me!


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