Puppy potty training

Potty training a Bulldog is no easy task. It's really not an easy task for any puppy but when it comes to Bulldogs and that stubborn bone they have it makes it quite difficult. But don't give up, your puppy will be trained in no time. You just need to stick to a routine, learn their signs, and be patient. 

First off I want you to think about this. In the wild do wolfs hold their poop and pee until some one takes them to a certain spot? No they go when ever they need to. Since all dogs originally comes from wolfs keep that in mind. We have bred and made dogs the way they are today. We have taken them out of the wild and in to our homes but they still have that wolf in their heart and blood. It is our responsibility to show them and teach them the way to live in our home. 
Since you already have your puppy at home that means their Dam (Dog mom) did what she was supposed to and taught your puppy how to go to the bathroom on its own. Now here is when most people want to start taking their puppy outside to go potty. I do not recommend it. You see, once puppies are removed from their mother's milk they are no longer getting those antibodies. Which means their immune systems aren't as strong. I would suggest not taking your puppy outside to be put on the ground to go potty until they have at least taken their second to third round of puppy shots. Me personally being in the country in Oklahoma i waited until the third. Parvo is the most common threat we have in the state for puppies. (Having had lost a puppy to Parvo in the past I was very serious about waiting). 
Since you are waiting to take your puppy outside until they are protected. Fine you a place in the house and put a few puppy pads down. If they go to the bathroom anywhere else just simply say No in a stern voice then carry them over to a puppy pad. Once you do this enough it will click and they will go to the puppy pad on their own. I do not recommending spanking your puppy at this stage. They are still learning. You also what to make sure when they are going to the puppy pad to make a big deal out of it. (In a good way) Puppies love the excitement of being praised. I want you to praise them even if they go to the puppy pad but miss getting their business on the pad. Sometimes when they squat to poop their bottoms will still be off of the pad, but they tried! 
At this point you have been puppy pad training and your puppy has gotten their shots so now it is time to upgrade to going outside. While you were pad training I hope you picked up some tell signs form your puppy. What are tell signs you might ask? Well it is little hits your puppy gives you right before they have to go to the bathroom. It could be them sniffing a certain area, them going away from everyone, or they could be doing spinning in circles in one spot. Once you notice one of the "tell signs" say let's go potty then go outside right away. 
Once a puppy first starts going outside it will take a little longer to get them to go potty. It is a whole new world outside with all kinds of new smells. You will just have to be patient. They will get it down. Once they do go potty outside you will praise them just like how you did the puppy pads. Also if you see them start to go in the house say loudly "let's go potty" (you won't say it in a mean tone just loud) you want to say it loud to surprise the puppy. If done right they will jump up from where they were about to go potty and run to the door to go outside. 

Please let me know if you have any questions, or tricks of your own. 

I hope you have a wonderful day and kiss your fur babies for me. 


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