
Showing posts from June, 2021


Dog toys.... there are so many of them. How do you ever choose which ones will last and which ones will become food for the trashcan. I am going to share toys that I have found for my English Bulldog that after years they are still get as new, and which ones only lasted a couple of minutes. English Bulldog, well puppies in general can be very destructive. So it is very hard to find toys that will last. The ones you can rule out right from the get go are those push cotton filled toys. They may be cute but it won't take any time at all before you are finding the legs in one corner and the head in the other. Which could be very dangerous. Tennis balls i have noticed do last a little bit longer but they will in the end chew on them so much they will bust.  Some good toys would be chewy bones. I don't mean the chew bones where they can ingest it. I mean hard plastic, or rubber chew bones. These are also very beneficial when they are teething as well. You can ...

Benefits of kennel training

I would like to talk to you all about the benefits of kennel training. Now hear me out before you run off. I know some people are really against kenneling dogs, but they have been a huge help for me and my family. I would like to share with you how they have helped me.  My husband and I both have full time jobs. So we do have to leave our dogs at home while we are at work. When we are not home we do put them in dog kennels ( we call them their beds). My dogs love going to their beds. It is like their safe place. Where is your safe place? Is it your house, the place you look forward to going to. Well that is our dog's beds. I think there is a couple of reasons our dogs like going to their beds. One they get a treat, it doesn't matter that they have learn what "lets go to bed" means, they will always get a treat. Two they have their own space way from the other dogs, that is just theirs. With their own blankets and pillows. Three they feel safe in their beds...

Puppy potty training

Potty training a Bulldog is no easy task. It's really not an easy task for any puppy but when it comes to Bulldogs and that stubborn bone they have it makes it quite difficult. But don't give up, your puppy will be trained in no time. You just need to stick to a routine, learn their signs, and be patient.  First off I want you to think about this. In the wild do wolfs hold their poop and pee until some one takes them to a certain spot? No they go when ever they need to. Since all dogs originally comes from wolfs keep that in mind. We have bred and made dogs the way they are today. We have taken them out of the wild and in to our homes but they still have that wolf in their heart and blood. It is our responsibility to show them and teach them the way to live in our home.  Since you already have your puppy at home that means their Dam (Dog mom) did what she was supposed to and taught your puppy how to go to the bathroom on its own. Now here is when most p...

Everyone makes mistakes

The topic I would like to talk to you about today is when your puppy has an accident. This is one thing that drives me crazy with new puppy owners. Puppy will not be able to hold in their poop or pee when they are puppies. This is something they have to learn how to do. Puppies are very little and they have small badders. Which makes it impossible for them to physically hold their pee for long periods of time. They also haven't developed the muscle strength to hold in their poop for long periods of time. So don't get mad at them they physically can not help it.  Don't get me wrong I know it can get frustrating. After you have worked all day and the first thing you have to when you get home is wash out a kennel and give a puppy a bath everyday but it does get better i promise! I have seen people at this stage give up and get rid of their puppies for going to the bathroom while they were at work. (Which is very frustrating to me, it just makes my blood...

Did I get a puppy or is this a shark

If you have ever had a puppy, or even been around a puppy for any length of time you know that those cute pearly whites are the sharpes things on this planet! I am going to share what I did that helped with the puppy bites.  Puppy have some of the sharpes teeth that aways find your hands or that soft part on your arm. But remember don't get mad at them, they can't help it if they have teeth coming in and their gums hurt or if they are playing and get you with their teeth. They are just puppies so you can't get mad at them. They don't know any better.  Puppies they figure out what stuff is by putting it in theirs month just like humans do when they are babys. The problem is their teeth. When a puppy goes to bite your hand. Make sure you have a safe chew toy handy and put it in the puppys mouth while you remove your hand. They will get distracted by the toy and come to realize that it feels better to chew on then your fingers. You can find all kind...

Life Saver

 I spoke in my blog "Getting Puppy Ready" about getting a Dog Play Pen for your puppy. Well today I am going to tell you why it is such a life saver, on when to use it, and you best believe you will get some funny stories along the way.  This is no secret but puppies can be a handful. You have to watch them like a hawk. They are so new with life that everything is fun and exciting for them. Even if they are getting in to something they aren't supposed to. My husband actually suggested this, and I honestly didn't think I would use it but let me tell you it really was a life saver.  Just because you have a new puppy it doesn't mean that everyday life stops. You still have to cook dinner, shower, and do chores around the house. Which can be challenging with a new puppy. This play pen was wonderful. When I was cooking, cleaning, or taking a shower I would put her in it. Now if you are like me, I did not like the idea at all. I would even call i...

MeatBall Meeting her Siblings

In my last post I told you that we went and picked up our new fur baby, MeatBall! Well that was the exciting part. On the drive home is when my nerves kicked in. We already have two dogs at home. So my brain started going a mile a minute with questions. "What if they don't accept her?, What if one tries to start a fight?, What if this? What if that?" Finally my husband looked at me and said. "It will be fine, you need to quit worrying" I couldnt help but calm down a little bit. Then he told me the game plan. After hearing the plan it put my nerves at ease. I will be telling you what we did to make sure no one got hurt and to make the transaction easier for your existing fur babies.  This process of getting your existing babies use to your new puppy starts before you even get the puppy. We were blessed with being able to see MeatBall before she was ready to come home with us. We would make sure we had Sadie and Mr. Weenie (our existing babies) smell ...

The Big Day

 Finally the day had come, when it is time to pick up our new fur baby. We were excited and nervous at the same time. Here is our story of bringing home our little MeatBall.  Our little MeatBall was finally ready to be picked up and brought home. We just had to make it through our work day. I got off work at six and my husband got off at seven. That was the longest Friday I had ever had to work. So I planned on going home and letting Sadie, our Boxer, and Mr.Wiene, our dashound, out to do their business. Then shortly after my husband would be home and we would go pick our new fur baby. We were nervous because we didn't know how Sadie and Mr. Wiene would act with a new puppy in the house. Tonight we would find out.  My husband got home to pick me up so we started our way to the breeders house. She only lived about forty-five minutes from our house and her husband got off work at seven as well, so she was ok with us showing up so late. We were about ...

Puppy Proofing your house

I would like to discuss with you on how to puppy proof your house. Some of these tips you might roll your eyes at but trust me it will take some of the stress from getting a new puppy away.  Puppies in general are very curious and adventurous creatures. They, just like human baby's, figure out what stuff is by putting it in theirs month. Which can become very dangerous if you don't puppy proof your house. I know every ones house is different, but if you have any questions after this blog please ask me. I would also like to hear of any other tips I didn't mention.  The most important thing that comes to my mind is electric cords. We don't think about our phone charger cord lying on the floor, or on furniture, but it can be very deadly to a puppy. It only takes a couple of seconds for your puppy to chew on that cord and  electrocute themselves. For a little puppys little  heart it doesn't take a big shock to be damage. Its not only phone charger cords, any...